Welcome to Eventic, a Ticket Sales and Event Management System - Author: https://www.mtrsolution.com - Demo: https://eventic.mtrsolution.com - Sales link: https://codecanyon.net/item/eventic-ticket-sales-and-event-management-system/29734714 - Support: https://support.mtrsolution.com - Documentation: https://mtrsolution.gitbook.io/eventic - Introduction Eventic is a powferful event management and ticket sales system. Based on the robust and secure Symfony framework, Eventic offers to event organizers a set of handy features in order to manage their events, from creating their event page, to registering attendees with a fast mobile application. - Installation and Usage The full documentation on how to install Eventic is available at https://mtrsolution.gitbook.io/eventic/installation Also, a guide is available for the scanner mobile application, Visit the following link for more details https://mtrsolution.gitbook.io/eventic/scanner-mobile-application - Updating Please refer to this documentation page in order to update Eventic https://mtrsolution.gitbook.io/eventic/update/update-your-eventic-installation